Transport of luggage and freight in winter

Sportbahnen Melchsee-Frutt can conveniently transport your luggage and equipment from Stöckalp to Melchsee-Frutt or even further up to your apartment or hotel.

Luggage / freight
Valid from 15.12.2018 to 07.04.2019to Melchsee-Fruttto Bonistock incl. snow taxi
Luggage per item3.008.00
Luggage per container (L 95 x W 65 x H 80)17.0038.00


Transportbestimmungen Gepäck (german)

Transportbestimmungen Grossgüter (german)

Sportbahnen Melchsee-Frutt
Sarnerstrasse 1
6064 Kerns
Tel. +41 (0)41 669 70 60